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Producing as much energy as your home consumes

About Net Zero

Net Zero homes produce as much energy as they consume. The logical starting point? Build them to consume less.

what it means

It's simply a fact that a better-built home uses less energy. Adding the ability to produce energy, and feed that energy back into the electrical grid, means the home can offset all its energy use.

According to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Net Zero homes significantly reduce energy-related costs and protect against future energy cost increases. These houses tend to be more resilient: they can continue to offer shelter during power failures, as they need so little energy to operate and stay warm. Net Zero homes also reduce the impact of housing on the natural environment by reducing energy-related pollutants.  The features that make a Net Zero home possible also provide a comfortable, quiet and healthy indoor environment, with plenty of natural lighting.

While Net Zero homes use many of the same strategies as Passive House to achieve high energy efficiency, they are not as stringent in their requirement for reduced thermal bridging and simple structural design. This means that Net Zero homes can be designed with more freedom than Passive House; most Net Zero homes are indistinguishable from other new homes you will see.

In 2017, the Canadian Home Builders’ Association launched its Net Zero Home Labelling Program, making it easier for builders to become technically proficient in building to the rigorous Net Zero (and Net Zero Ready) standards, and helping homebuyers to find builders who can provide these homes. At Langlois Eco Homes, we're partnering with builders who are trained in Net Zero and have joined the CHBA program.  


Net Zero and Net Zero Ready homes are certified by the Canadian Home Builders' Association


The Net Zero approach relies on the following techniques:

  • high levels of insulation;
  • a robust, continuous air barrier;
  • optimization of solar orientation;
  • energy-efficient mechanical ventilation;
  • heat-recovery technology; and
  • on-site renewable energy generation, usually via photovoltaics (solar panels)
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